Saturday, April 25, 2009

No more bonyness (sp?)

I was looking at Cassie last night and I don't see any of the bonyness that she came to us with. She is going stir crazy and will try to engage Ben and I in play, but will settle down when stroked or ignored enough. I need to get a new picture of her and post it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sweet and bored

Casie is very glad to see me when I get home every day and goes nutsy wagging and leaning. She tries to run around and play. I hate to force her into the crate, but I think I may need to do more of that. Her weight is looking better, but she isn't being reserved enough with her movement but I need to enforce that.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Really wants to run

Cassie is staring out the window wanting to go out and bark at other dogs, run along the fence, chase squirrels, etc. She has gone out with me in the backyard a couple of times and gone zooming away chasing something and I have to get her to come over to me and go inside because she isn't supposed to be running around on her leg and shouldn't be expending the extra calories. She is a bit bored inside, but she doesn't express her frustration by breaking/chewing anything, so that is good. She is looking better and she eats everything I put in front of her and that is plenty. She is a generally happy dog.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Maybe a little less skinny

Hard to say if it is just wishful thinking and too soon, but I think Cassie is a little less bony. She is eating great. I have been giving her as much food as she wants and she has been tolerating it fine. She is eating wet food and then goes for the dry when she is still hungry. She just went to the kitchen for a snack of dry food though I think it is pretty much gone. She seems a little bored and she tries to run around a little, but I stop her. She is a very active dog normally, but between the bum knee and the low weight, she can't afford the pain or the calories. She is so sweet and very deferential.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Skinny girl

Baxter is at the shelter and I brought Cassie home last night. She is skin and bones. The general thinking is that she has been in some pain and hasn't eaten. She got too much exercise at the shelter or she was cooped up in her crate there too much, not sure which. They have been feeding her wet food at the shelter for a day or 2 and she has been eating. They also put her on some joint supplements and on Rimadyl (anti-inflammatory that is std for dogs with knee surgery). She seems to be eating fine this morning with the wet food here (which I mixed with some white rice to help with the backyard scooping). Pictures at

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dog switch

Cassie isn't doing well at the shelter, so Baxter is going to go back to the shelter for a week or 2 while we try to get Cassie straightened out and hopefully put in full time foster with Boxer rescue. I will post Cassie photos today when I get her here and have time to cleanup.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Snorie, McSnores-a-lot

Baxter just came home this evening from a "shifted" weekend stay at the shelter. I brought him home Fri night, but left him Sat./Sun. nights at the shelter. I didn't go to the shelter on Sunday and so figured it was better for him to stay over and then I had the insurance adjuster here for my hail damage claim today, so left him there until this evening. He is already sacked out in his crate snoring. I had laundered his comforter for in there this evening, so it is all dry and warm and he seems content.