Monday, June 28, 2010

Rain, rain, go away

Karma doesn't care much about rain, but she hates thunder. It has been storming tonight and she has been panting and hiding. I just went into my bedroom and she was laying in the master closet curled up with her stuffed duck in her mouth in the dark. Alas, what can you do?

Monday, June 7, 2010


I decided on Saturday that Karma needed a runmate. Being a female, male was the obvious choice, but the choices right now are a bit limited. I thought perhaps Toby might be okay as he had come in with Daisy and they shared a run for a while. I talked to Desiree and Sarah about it and they said Toby and Daisy had been separated because they stopped getting along and we all agreed that Toby is a bit of spaz, but I said we should try. Sarah got Toby and I took Karma and we went for a walk and brought them together but it was a face to face meeting which is never good. Toby went for Karma but missed and we kept them apart. I gave them each some petting and Toby let Karma come up and sniff him and she let him sniff her some and we went for a walk together with no incidents, but it seemed like there was mostly indifference between them and it was very hot out, so we took the dogs in and then took in the rest of the dogs. Perhaps one of the new dogs that came in, but I didn't see anyone that just jumped out at me.