On Wed (1/10), Ben and I brought home Sandy. Monica had told me she was kind of a spaz and needed socialization and to learn not to pull on the leash. I had walked Sandy at the shelter the previous Sunday and she seemed to be fine with me and she did pull on the leash. Taking her into the office was another story. There, her shy side showed through. This should have been a tipoff.
Ben and I went after school to pickup Sandy. April gave us some food, her metal food bowl (with a warning that she would chew up the plastic ones), a large dog bed and a leash. We took her out to the car to load her in the crate and after a bit of nervous peeing when I bent down to pick her up to put her in the crate, she was loaded and off we went. The plan was to take her through the backyard and into the house. By doing this, she could see the backyard where she needed to go out and then go into the house, but after a few aborted attempts, she came in the front door. And that is where she stayed most of the first evening (the front entry hall).
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