Hey, if any of the adopting families of any of my 2007 dogs are reading this, please drop me a comment to the blog to let me know how things are going.
hey! its the kinnaman family. Hermes is settling in great! he is an awesome dog and we all really love him! hes getting better with my mom, sister and I petting him ontop of his head. We have learned a few things about him - we cant leave any food on the table or counters because he will take it. This morning my dad went out and got some apple and cherry turnovers and Hermes apparently got ontop of the table and took a box of them and set it down on the floor. He is a scared of cats though, its kinda sad, but we all think he will be fine with cats later on. Thanks for everything you have done for Hermes! ~The Kinnamans~ (Meghan)
Hi! I'm actually curious about Watson. My female blue tick coonhound Lady needs a friend. It looks like you've taken Watson back to a shelter, does that mean he's already been adopted?
hey! its the kinnaman family. Hermes is settling in great! he is an awesome dog and we all really love him! hes getting better with my mom, sister and I petting him ontop of his head. We have learned a few things about him - we cant leave any food on the table or counters because he will take it. This morning my dad went out and got some apple and cherry turnovers and Hermes apparently got ontop of the table and took a box of them and set it down on the floor. He is a scared of cats though, its kinda sad, but we all think he will be fine with cats later on. Thanks for everything you have done for Hermes!
~The Kinnamans~ (Meghan)
Hi! I'm actually curious about Watson. My female blue tick coonhound Lady needs a friend. It looks like you've taken Watson back to a shelter, does that mean he's already been adopted?
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