I called the vet today because I was concerned about how the incision looked yesterday and that she was already putting weight on the leg and that she was doing the "wake up" shake which I thought might be from wearing the cone head. The vet asked me to bring her in and I loaded her up in the car and we went right over to ATA. He looked at it (she stood up most of the car ride, wouldn't lay down) and said she is being overactive and the incision doesn't look good. I said I was doing what I could to keep her laying down, but can't force her down in her crate and am only letting her walk outside on leash in the yard to quickly go relieve herself though she takes a minute or so to find a spot. The only options at this point are to give her tranquilizers (which they provided) and they also suggested replacing the cone if it was really bothering her. They called Petsmart to see if they had those inflatable donut collars and they didn't have anything other than what I had bought at Petsmart last night (cone head). They checked their resource list and sent me to another vet that carries no-bite collars. So, now instead of being from France (conehead, get it?), she looks like she has whiplash.
So, now the routine is add in topical antibiotic twice a day, ice the incision 3 times a day as it is swelling from leg usage, and 1 sedative in the morning to lay her low. She is down and snoring right now, so the sedative kicked in (she took it around noon). Will have to see how long she stays down.
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