Saturday, March 6, 2010

Another week of good Karma

`Things have been going great with Karma. She is a follow you around kind of dog. She will hang out in the room I am in when I am working or watching tv and just lay on her comforter on the floor. If I sit on the floor with her, she is right up on me to get some petting and to lay next to me. She sat in my lap on the floor yesterday to get some extra petting. If the tv volume is too loud and there is any gunfire or other loud noises, she runs to another room, but she is starting to get used to the fact that it is just tv. I left her home for about 9 hours yesterday and still nothing disturbed in the house.

Karma is good on walks with a couple of minor exceptions. Just like Baxter, she will try to take off after any trucks with flat trailers passing in the street. I think it is because the shelter is right next to a uhaul place. She is also shy about walking along the wooden fences where there are barking dogs on the other side that she can't see. We have adjusted our route to miss the long sections like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no way!! you are too lucky to have such a wonderful foster. That love and care you show her will definitely "pay off" and you will soon be seeing fantastic results. My scared and timid foster girl destroys (seriously so) my blinds if I leave her out - oh separation anxiety. Poor Piper!