Friday, February 29, 2008

KD going back to the shelter for a bit

We have another dog at the shelter that needs to get out of the shelter environment and into a home for a bit. Adrien is a boxer and she will be going to Austin Boxer Rescue when they have a foster home, but in the interim, she really needs some away time. So, KD will be staying at the shelter for a couple of weeks. I am sure she won't be happy to be staying, but she will do fine there and Adrien isn't.

KD has had Emma over for a number of more playdates. They get along great. Emma likes stringy tug ropes and will carry them in her mouth and thrash them around. KD grabs the other end and plays tug with her. Now it isn't a fair contest as KD is 6 times as large, but yesterday KD was bringing the tug toy to her and fling it at Emma's mouth to get her to grab on and play. KD kept bringing it back after she had tugged away from Emma. The only time that Emma gets a bit concerned about playing with Emma is when they start playing chase around the yard. KD gets a bit wild and Emma will flee into the house and under the kitchen table and KD will be barreling behind her and then turn around and run out to the yard and Emma usually follows for more chase.

I will miss having KD around, but will see her at the shelter on the weekends. She will come right back here after Adrien is gone.

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