Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dogs and frogs

If you have been a reader here for a while, you remember Hermes and the frogs/toads and the video of him trying to play with them. Baxter has been chasing geckos in and around the house of late and this morning as we went for our morning walk in the dark, he came across a frog on the sidewalk and started sniffing it and then followed it around the grass and was pawing in its direction to get it to play. After watching in amusement for a couple of minutes, I decided it was time to move on and he grudgingly came along.

A few minutes later during the walk, it was getting a little lighter outside and we were walking down the sidewalk and Baxter slowed a bit to walk alongside me. I noticed a man getting in his car on the other side of the street and I couldn't help but wonder if Baxter was being protective of me or was pulling closer to me for his own protection.

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