Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Walk, bark, walk, nap

Picked up the dog yesterday afternoon at the shelter. He was so hot. He came home and plopped on the concrete floors and was basically a lump for a few hours before he perked back up. We went for a walk for 30 minutes and he was perky again. About 10pm, I was working at the computer and he decided to call it a night and went and got in his crate. When I decided to head to bed around 11:30, I didn't bother to close the crate door. That was fine. He did get up around 3:30 to bark a bit and pace to the back window, but I heard him head back to the crate. Around 6:30 he got up and came to the bedroom to check on me and I took him for a walk/jog. I haven't been running in months it seems and I ate crap all day yesterday, so it was mostly walking with a few short run segments thrown in. Now he is settled back into his crate napping. The windows are open since it is still in the mid 70's and he is just "chillin."

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