Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Doesn't like loud noises, but who does

One thing about KD is that she doesn't like loud noises. I know that isn't unusual for dogs, but it is the stream of disjointed thoughts I am writing about together. As I wrote recently, I just finished reading the Cesar Millan books (the Dog Whisperer). While I find some of his stuff kind of "new agey", I think he has a lot of good stuff to say. I am really interested in the idea of training a dog to use the treadmill, but I digress. One of the things he stresses is exercise and he takes his dogs running in the morning and then he rollerblades with them in the afternoon. Serendipitously, there were rollerblades on clearance at Target this week, so I dropped in to one on Sunday while KD was at the shelter and I found a cheap pair that were in my size and got them. Just wait, I am getting back to that noise thing. Yesterday, I strapped on the blades in the kitchen and KD shied away from them. I got her to come get her leash on and we went out in the garage where the sound of the garage door opening (see, sound) caused her to not want to exit the house, but I didn't take no for an answer. She continued to be scared of the rollerblades and tried to pull ahead but settled down after a minute or so. It turns out that the rollerblades were the worst ones ever and I will be returning them, but the point is she gets spooked by stuff and is stubborn and will try to go the other way or plant herself firmly in place.

Sunday, when I got to the shelter with KD, I went to put her in her outside run and there were 2 shelter regulars on the back porch who said hello to her and as I walked her toward her run, she tried to plop down and stop. One of the girls on the porch said, "she does that", as if I didn't know. I know KD from way back and I just gave her a tug and kept moving and she came along with me when she realized that she wouldn't be able to resist. This is actually a change in my behavior. Way back when KD came to have a sleepover with Hermes, I went to get her at the shelter and had her on a leash and she was headed for the big dog porch and pulling that way. When I tried to take her to the other porch, she resisted and Michelle was on the riding lawnmower and making a lot of noise and KD wouldn't budge. I finally went and picked her up thinking that I had won that argument, but now I see that I was just reinforcing her fear by going to pick her. Now I know better. When we head out the garage, I get her in there and then open the garage door and she has to stay and get used to it. If she tries to plop down while I am leading a walk (even to her outside run), I keep on going and don't settle for it. If she dictates the behavior, then she is taking charge and I am supposed to be the pack leader. I guess I could have just titled this entry "a stubborn girl" but whatever.

I never did finish digging up the garden to put in the gravel and sand. I have about 1/2 to 2/3s dug but it is all in a pile and I need to decide where to put the dirt and then I need to finish the digging, tamp down the ground (not sure with what yet), and then get the gravel/sand. Plenty of more work for me to do, woo hoo.

Oh, and I weighed KD yesterday and she is 42.5 lbs. Several people at the shelter this weekend commented that she looked skinnier. I have been giving her as much food as she wants to eat, but I think the daily running and long walks are helping her get more trim. I have had those same comments about Hermes and Bubbette. I know I am not holding back on food for them, so it must be the exercise.

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