Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This and that

Adrien and I went to Petco last weekend for my adoption day event. It was just me so I took her and panhandled a bit for her surgery fund. Things are looking up on that front though we still need to close on the exact details. She did great with all the people we met though I had to keep a tight leash on her when a few other dogs walked in. There was a pair of boxers, a goldendoodle and a Weimeraner that got her interest (read: growling).

She has been a good girl when I leave her at home though has gotten in some minor mischief. She is apparently stepping up onto the living room sofa as evidenced by the throw pillow on the floor. After surgery she will be staying in her crate, so no issue there. I left a bag with a couple of small bags of jelly beans and some papers on the counter the other night when going out and when I came home, the bag was on the floor with a couple of teeth marks in the papers and the jelly bean bags (unopened) were on the floor in another room. She also got into a box of cheese crackers that were on the counter another day but just spilled a few and didn't seem to be interested in them. Other than that, she has been a near perfect guest. She comes over for some petting/licking and then is content to lay down and hang out.

Will write more when we have specifics on surgery.

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