Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just not much to report

KD spent a few nights at the shelter these past 2 weekends as I had to drive to Houston during the day and didn't just want to leave her at home instead of at the shelter while it was open. We had Petco adoption day and I took KD and Ringo/Ryan plus Minnie/Troy. Got some interest in Minnie and Troy. I think I need to make a binder like the one we had on Hermes at the shelter to play up KD to guests. Need to do something to get her more interest.

Meanwhile, she is the same. She lays around when I am ignoring her and after she has laid around long enough, she gets bored and wants to go out back. She will grab her squeaky football and come in to entice me to come play. I bought her some pigs ears at Petsmart the other day and she is enjoying those. She grabs it and heads straight for the back door so she can run outside with it and then settles down to eat it.

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