Saturday, July 5, 2008

Slumber Party 2

Well, KD came over on a slumber party with Hermes and tonight it is her turn. Tonight she has Ringo staying over. Ringo and KD share an outdoor run at the shelter when I bring her there.

She is a bully and runs him around mouthing on his neck and chasing him around the yard, but he seems to be okay. He is pretty timid (I only say pretty timid because his brother Ryan cowers and Ringo just shys away). I took the 2 of them for a walk earlier on flexi leashes and that was a mistake. They got crossed immediately and Ringo's pulled away from me. I had to chase him half a block and drop KD's leash so I could grab his. I got one of those little rope burns. After that, I got the hang of it and we walked 1.5 miles. Ringo was full of pep, but KD was lagging behind at the end, but we made it home.

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