Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Just a happy, nice little puppy

What can I say, Charlie is just a nice little puppy. He is relatively house broken. By that, I mean that if the backdoor is open, he will go outside to use the bathroom. I know that in the morning that he needs to go out and do everything, so if I take him out and he only pees, then I know that he still has more to do sometime. I don't have a doggy door, but if I leave the back door open a bit, I can go off and shower or focus on a conference call and he will go outside when the urge hits. He is very loving in the morning and when I come home. He comes and hangs out with me and wants to get in my lap, wants to be rubbed and he likes to play. He loves to play fetch. This is something new to me, not the concept, but having a dog that actually likes to do it. You can throw Charlie a ball or a toy and he will go run and get it and bring it back. He likes to do it over and over. This makes it easy to tire him out.

Being a puppy, Charlie does mouth a bit on occasion. He gives you a little nip. I took a tip from the Shelter weekly newsletter a couple of weeks ago about Cha Chi. If Charlie is nipping at me, I yelp loud. He looks and then he stops. He realizes he is hurting me (well, he isn't, but I don't want it) and he stops. This was a great tip, thanks Geneve.

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