Saturday, April 28, 2007

Serious Doubts

I had no hesitation when Monica asked if we wanted to take Bubbette home. She looked like such a sweet girl, size isn't an issue for me and we have the perfect house for a foster dog since we don't have any carpet so no issues for vomiting or other side effects of hw treatment.

Then Bubbette slipped out the door to the open garage. We caught her after a few blocks, but she is supposed to be still and she took off running. I googled heartworms online and they are nasty things, can be up to 6" long and they are killed off by the treatment that she got, but they have to break up and get through her system without blocking off any arteries. She needs to be crated as much as possible. She was nervous around us and saw her chance and made a break for it and I just can't know yet if that did any serious damage. I have been reading about symptoms and I will try to check her temp in the morning (that's gonna be fun), but she already has me second guessing our choice to bring her home. At the shelter, she has a small run, here at home, she either has to be in her crate, or we can put her dog bed (which she has yet to try) in the laundry room and that will be small enough. She isn't comfortable around us yet and I don't see confining her like this as a way to improve our relationship. We will see what the morning brings. I have to go to a meeting while Ben is at Sunday school, so I have to put her up then, but I am not sure what to do with her while we are home. This evening, she pretty well laid on the floor and we stayed in the same main room of the house and she didn't move around too much, but I am not sure we kept her confined enough. Doubts, doubts, doubts. Well, we will see what the morning brings and I can call the shelter in the morning. Sigh.

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