Friday, August 10, 2007

Do you have anymore foam stuffed things I can eat

Well, Hermes has been getting a bit bored at home with just Ben there and Ben mostly focused on playing WOW and the other day he ate the corner of the big flat dog bed that he lays on in the family room. Ben caught Hermes doing it and made him come stay in the computer room. The next day, Hermes must have been bored because he chewed up the little round dog bed he sleeps on in my bedroom. It was a mess of foam pieces and cloth and had to be tossed out. His personality profile from the shelter did say eats towels (which are his bedding in his inside run at the shelter), so it isnt' a big surprise. I was ignoring him the other night working on the computer and he took one of my slippers and started running around the house with it. I caught up with him and he dropped it and ran away. I put my slippers in the back of my closet and closed the door, but yesterday the cleaning people were at the house and left my closet door open and Hermes gnawed on one of my slippers. It isn't a total loss, just a bit messed up around the top edge. So, it seems he needs something to keep him busy when we aren't paying attention to him. I went out and played ball in the backyard with him last night and he ran around like a mad man and then played ball and ran around like a mad man. I knew he was done when he hopped into the pond and had some water. I am curious as to whether he would be more occupied if there were another dog to play with. I am going to see about bringing KD home from the shelter tonight. They share an outdoor run when Hermes is at the shelter and so I want to see how the dynamic plays out at the house. I need to call the shelter tonight and see about a sleepover for KD.

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