Thursday, August 2, 2007

Not so much for the running

Well, I have tried a little bit the last 2 days and I am not giving up yet, but Hermes doesn't seem to be a good running partner. 1 issue is his nervousness. If I don't start right alongside him (if he is ahead of me at the end of the leash), then he thinks I am after him and I have to work to get right beside him. Another issue is that he likes to just stop. He is all hound. He has those amazing jowls and he must be pulling in all sorts of smells and he will just stop suddenly. I have some experience with this, but he takes it to another level. The third issues is another nervousness thing. He will stop and then refuse to go the way we are going. I have to coax him and pull him. That doesn't make for ideal running. As with everything, it is something to be learned, so I need to just keep at it. Guess I have gotten spoiled by Sandy and Bubby.

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