Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Settling in a bit

Ryan was pulling a lot last night on our walk. I tightened the Martingale collar a bit more and stopped when he was pulling hard and he was getting the idea but he is so fearful that he is staying ahead but looking back or is pulling sideways. I setup a create with a comforter in the kitchen for him since he seemed to be staying in the kitchen most of the evening. I left it in there with the door open and he laid in it a bit. I put him up and shut out the lights and went to bed and he started whining and howling. After a while, I got concerned that my next door neighbor has her bedroom near my kitchen and I decided to go put up a gate and let him just lay on the tile in the kitchen. This morning, I heard him picking up a bone that I had left on a comforter by the back door which meant he had gotten out of the kitchen. I went and put him in the crate and went back to bed. He howled and whined and scratched at the crate for a long while and then settled for a while and then started again and then settled and then started again and it was time for me to get up. Well, the comforter is pretty ripped up (need to go to Blue Hanger and get another one for $3). I need to decide what to do with him tonight. I think I will setup a crate in another part of the house where it is more central and won't disturb the neighbors and just put in a towel I don't mind shredded and just let him howl.

He is laying next to me on the floor right now. He should be tired because he didn't sleep a lot. I need to get the camera and take some pictures to post up to the blog. This morning after my conference calls, he is getting a bath.

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