Thursday, April 17, 2008

Not a great second day

Things seemed good, she was even putting a bit of weight on the leg when going out to pee, but now it seems the incision is opening a little and it is freaking me out. There is a bit of blood, not much. She was shedding her E collar yesterday and I tried a couple of times today, but I couldn't keep it on her. With the bit of blood (not sure it was weeping or blood, but am leaning towards blood), I went out to buy some new E collars and I got one that is just the right size and put it on her and duct taped it so that there wasn't a flap for her to attack. She is still attacking it anyway and is very unhappy, but the leg is not looking great and I have a call into the surgical supervisor to see what she advises. I don't think it is life threatening at all, but I am still very worried. I think I will have to take her back to have it looked at in the morning. It is supposed to pour here tonight and I think that will upset her too. I would like to go cleanup the leg and put a cooling pad on it, but I am afraid to let her out of her crate. I wish I had some tranqs to make her lay down. She is sitting up in the crate complaining and it isn't helping my mood.

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