Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day

And I have to tell you, I am more than a bit nervous. I need to make a list of things to ask post op. Meds for pain, inflammation, antibiotics, hot/cold compresses, e-collar, and the list goes on. I take Adrien in the morning after I drop Ben off for school. I will be a bit later than they want, but she will be there. I am taking a half day tomorrow so that I can be ready to pick her up. I have a conference call in the morning during the dropoff and I hope that they understand that I am distracted.

Tried her tonight in the big exercise pen with her comforter on the floor while I went off to a meeting and I had Ben leave her in there for about 15 minutes to see how she would react and things look good there.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Best of luck with Adrian's operation! I found your blog while searching to see if anyone else had blogs for their foster dogs. Keep up the good work!