Friday, June 8, 2007

Broken Tooth

Last evening, while I was sitting at the table playing cards with Bubby standing next to me panting (she is a panting machine), I noticed that she had a canine missing. Looking closer, she seems to have broken off the top of her bottom right canine fang while chewing up the window sill in the laundry room. I went back there to investigate a little further and found the missing piece on the floor. I did a little searching online and it appears she will need some dental work. I sent an email to the shelter to let them know and I need to get a call into the vet today. I touched the tooth in her mouth and she didn't seem to be in pain, but it has to be taken care of soon so that it doesn't become a problem. She is still eating, so it must not be a big issue for her, but don't want the pulp of the tooth to become infected and carry the infection down into the bone of the jaw.

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