Saturday, June 9, 2007

Vet visit

Bubby and I visited the vet this morning and she looked at the broken tooth. She pointed out to me that the top incisor comes right across it and the other bottom canine and that the other bottom canine is cut into from the incisor. She suggested that the broken one was probably cut into also and predisposed to break. She didn't think we needed to do anything for the tooth except watch it. She said if the pulp in the tooth becomes inflamed, it will be painful for the dog and the tooth will look pink. That would be an indication that we need to do something. In the interim, she thinks that the tooth is starting to recalcify and cover over the spot. The doctor said that we could put a sealant over the spot, but that it was likely to be knocked off in general usage.

The doctor's bigger concern was what started the episode that had Bubby chew up the window sill and break a tooth. She noted that Bubby is overly nervous. I told her that she has been a "panter" ever since she came to us and we didn't have a history on her before she was dumped at the shelter. The doctor suggested that we needed to treat whatever was causing her to be so anxious. She said that we could try 2 Benedryl tablets to make her more relaxed or that she could prescribe valium. She also mentioned that we could try some anti-depressants though she warned that it is hard to find the right thing. Overall, I am not sure how to proceed on this one. I don't think that benedryl or valium on a regular basis is something that an adoptive owner is going to want. I think it is time to consult a behaviorist.

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