Sunday, June 24, 2007

Saturday and Sunday at the shelter

Well, things seem to be going much better with the understanding that Bubby wants to be an outside dog. I keep the pond full of fresh water, I have a shade area setup in the corner of the yard where she likes to lay and I leave her out whenever I am not here or when she starts getting antsy. I took her to the shelter on Saturday afternoon and she did well in the outside run and seemed fine also in the indoor run. She almost jumped up in the car when we left the shelter, but just put her feet up and didn't jump. I took her by the Petco on the way home to pickup some food. On Sunday, I took her to the shelter again and left her there for while I did some stuff and she was fine outside and also when she was taken in and put in a large wireframe crate in the infirmary. On the way back from the shelter, she hopped up into the car by herself. She has been doing well working on her obedience outside. She does her down when outside, but just rolls over onto her back for belly rub.

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